We went down the beach super early, sun wasn’t even out and we all scored. Unknown rider pig dogging a sick right hander.

El Codo Lopez didn’t want to wake up to surf today but he ended up paddling out and he got some fun ones. Solid bottom turn on a solid set.

The barrel fest got started and it was going off for about one hour. Enough time for everyone to score. A couple guys wanted to ride the barrel at the same time, off timing on this one!

Lester did score some sweet barrels. He’s one of the best tube riders in the whole country. Check out this little sequence, shot 1.

Shot 2, timing his ride to get in the right spot!

Shot 5, still going!

Shot 6, he only gets to surf early now because he has to work and save money for his coming bambino!

Nice, going for another section.

That was sick chabalo!

It was great to see everyone out there picking up tons of sick ones. This is a real pig dog!!!

We had some spitters in the lineup. Here is the proof!!!

Barreled for a few seconds but too many shots to post!

And out. We have the whole sequence amigo!

Damn, what else do we have to say? What a nice view!!!

Oliver El Monito Soliz was so stoked and ready to get some. Uyyyyy, uyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

Oliver scored right away. Dropping into one of the bigger waves of the day.

He’s one of the very few local surfers that surf outer reef, I guess you can see why!!!

That was a sick drop Mono. Next time make sure to make it around and pull in!

We are proving a new surfing style. We didn’t get to know this guy reaction to this ride.

Sick little ramps in the inside to bust some aerials. This guy took advantage on this one.

Huge sections in the inside, and we have to say very thick as well. Going big and charging!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hola amigos, just another sick day in October down here in Nicaragua. This is Lucha Libre Garcia bringing you all the aciton for our Friday report. The waves were super fun running about chest to head high on the bigger sets, winds were nice offshore and the water was killer. Check it!