One of the first local face was (El Chele Jackson) with his distinctive surf style making sick cuts.

Other easy to recognize is (El Niño) with his distinctive neon color shirt. This beach has three peaks working really good today. Look like Santana main peak.

El Jackson began to make the 360’s airs. This place is the training ground for these guys. This is why they are good surfers.

Oliver Solis was the only one usually like to surf this place until a wave through him on the reef and now no body want to try anymore.

Check how good looked the second section when it hit the inside section. I think someone should take this wave from the jaw.

I think this child will take the nomination of biggest wave today. Well done cipote!

Jacksonwasdefinitelythe best surferin the water.He killedthe waves withgood cuts, aerialsand tubes.Just look atthe differentcombinationsthathecan perform.

Only at this point is already six feet high, so imagine the complication of performing this trick.

I would show a the Firewire surfboard manufacturers, the original Tomo surfboard. He already learned how to make the air with just a little piece of foam, now only needs your sponsorship.

Again. He even never used wax. He makes things that even the professionals can not do.

Lenininthe onlywave thatgavehim the pipe outlet.LooktotheRhodianbendin the pipe.When hecame outof the water, saidthat he wasfullystandingupand theopenedhands, butthe picturedoes not lies.

Here is El Chele, again in the air. America Airlines should put a sticker on his surfboard. That surfboard has enough space waiting to be filled.

We do not know if this guy wants to do an air or if he was practicing capoeira. He is in NSR with the best wipeout of the day.

Ok. amigos esta semana fue muy buena para visitar otros lugares. A solo una hora de distancia podemos encontrar muchos de estos puntos que funcionan dependiendo de la direccion del swell y las mareas. NSR siempre es fiel para presentarte lo mejor de nuestro pais y esperamos que nos visiten pronto. Armando Lopez esta afuera. This week has been great to visit some other spots. Just about hour away we can find many of these points, that can be on fire depending on the swell direction and the tides. Here at NSR we always make sure to bring you the best and real action of our country. We hope you all can visit us soon. Armando Lopez is out!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Yewwww, pumping swell in October, where you at? Yes friends the waves were super fun today, well over head on sets, nice light offshore winds and warm water. Check it out!!!