I got down to the playa a little between late afternoon and the start of what was looking to be pretty nice evening sesh. Mmmmm glassy!

Phi Lou making a timeless stylie bottom turn on this back-lit, buttery right.

Hey where’d all our sand go..??

HEY, better yet, where’d all of our beach GO???

Koji and Yuji checking out the scenery (the waves). I asked them if they were thinking of heading out. They said “..um ya, maybe”, and they did, but it wasn’t until later when I was packing up; but I saw Koji get a sick one all the way into the beach. Shaka, super groms!! Keep up the stoke.

This guys was basically going “beast mode “ out there.

Jenna got out there pretty early before the evening session crowd figured the waves were ON! That’s a nice size wave chica! Looks like the swell is building a bit.

Adam pointing out that gnarly rip that was sweeping north. It was no joke too. I seriously saw people drifting past me like they were on a people mover at the airport.

As the tide was filing in, so were the waves. I think a few people had a pretty fun paddle out.

Junio definitely like his tubos para desayuno. But he’s gonna have to wait until mañana, I think. That’s still a pretty mean carve there mi amigo! Work up that appetite, in case there’s all you can eat barrels in la mañana.

Luis Carlos is a pretty stealthy dude. I can never seem to get shots of him surfing. Usually because I always see him coming or going as I’m arriving to the beach. Here ya go Hermano! Sick little lefty nugget inside bowl wedge wave. You gonna be out there tomorrow? Give me the 411 buddy!

Met this guy walking down from way up at the reef right before he paddled out, nice dude from Brazil. He told me to look for him out there surfing… well I didn’t have to look too far. He said he was going to go manhandle the waves. You chose your words wisely irmão!

Sophie and Imane heading out to show some dama representation.

You can’t have a proper sunset beach wind-down without this guy. TZ made his always fashionable and humorous appearance, oh and his hair came along too! Dude, I don’t think I’ve seen you wear a hat? Raffa, I want a tubos para desayuno hat too!!

My vecino Adam was out there slashing and slaying some salty warm water nuggets with his Chica Jamie.

And then there was this… Where’d these waves come from? Wasn’t expecting overhead juice.

This guy kicked out and probably said the same exact thing, except now he see’s exactly what he’s about to get on his head.

That’s right! There were a few waves in that set. Oh, ya and it was a little racy and kinda walled, but hopefully it will be all-time tomorrow. The sand bars and pulsing swell might just come together. Lets hope the wind cooperates too.

Devon was trying his best to find that tube out there. Unfortunately it just wasn’t happening this evening.

My other amigo Adam (dif Adam) was trying his luck over at the river mouth right. It had potential, but it still just wasn’t quite there yet.

Nam, as I usually like to call him, but my good amigo Cesar was flying down the line on this wave, so fast. That board looks like it’s been working really good for you dude! I like buy, for me, you give me special price?? (haha)

John, buddy! Dude, nice smooth style little, well now you’re “Big” Hermano. That’s a sick wrap around.

Followed by a nice little suicide bash-floater. Hey Josh, where ya at tonight, I didn’t see ya?? Oh and before I forget, Dan this is for you “Dan the MAN”!! When you coming back Chief???

Looooooking siiiiiiick! How do you think it’ll play out tomorrow???

Adam on a well overhead size mini-bomb! Come on Jamie, we’re two for two, I want to get you on a super sick set wave girl! Tomorrow might be the day??

I have to give my parting surf shot to Imane. GOOO CHICA!!! I was glad you guys understood my horrible sign language from up the beach not to paddle out down where I was (because of the rip). Might have just saved you the noodle arms so you could have gotten this little bomb! Sick ONE!!

Well that’s it my friends from all over the world! Jamie, Adam, Camila & Simon all want to wish you all a good evening and they say.. Adeus, Auf Wiedersehen, Aloha, Au Revoir, Adiós & Good bye!! ~

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hello everybody and welcome to the NSR report! This is Parker logging in today to show you some morning action. Check it out amigos!!