Rights and leftsworked.4 feet highandfastdrops.

After somehard workLesterhad a good award.It’sgood to workonlythree hoursper day.

Themajority of peoplearesurfingin the morningand these guysmight havethe wavesall to themselvesin the afternoon.

Chocoyolostthe best wavesfor not havingenough energy.I think hesurffrom 6:00 amto 6:00pmevery day.

HereisChocoyolookingfor the#345 barrelof his life.

Theswellis a littlesmallbutsome wavestodaywerea goodsize.

Nomatter ifyou could notget out of thepipe,It’s best tobe inside.

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

What’s up party people? This is Lucha Libre Garcia with your Friday surf report. Today I had to make a last minute trip up to this spot and this is what we had. Chest to shoulder high waves on the bigger sets, nice offshore winds and killer water temperature.

What’s up folks? This is Miguel Mora bringing you some of the action for this Wednesday surf report. Today we went to the San Juan bay in the afternoon trying to catch some fun waves. It was running about chest to shoulder high on sets with strong onshore winds and was raining all day long,..