The waves have been fun on a lower tide lately. Early this morning, I found some mutant sandbar slabs. Look at that lip!

However, a few guys were getting their waves. If you found the right one and could surf it well, you had a great morning.

But the majority weren’t quite doing their thing. Some waves looked sick but were tough to tame.

I gave it a couple hours and checked back. Mateo locked into the first wave I saw.

The man knows how to ride a tube…

But most of the waves were too lined up. Even an extra pump or two didn’t save the best surfers.

A couple lefts slipped through and fared well for the goofy footers. Keep your eyes peeled, especially if you see the rip.

As always, the corners were rippable and inviting. This guy busted the face and blew his fins out.

Maybe Mateo was trying to tell us to return at noon? It’s possible the high tide was fun too.

Bam!! Him and his NICA Time crew have been surfing really well lately.

Because it wasn’t looking perfect in our backyard, we hopped in the car to check out a spot up north. Plus, we wanted to avoid the crowds.

And… it turned out to be the right idea! Take a quick stretch break, fasten your seatbelt, and keep scrolling down!!

Kevin Malone was part of the afternoon crew. He logs some serious hours here and has the spot dialed! Check it out.

Top turn- check. Barrel section- check.

And he has one more trick up his sleeve for the camera…

SUBU!!! Yeah Kev! He had a successful lunch time session.

Tola’s best bottom turner is all about some sessions with #theboys. Mauricio Targa, El Turbo Negro, has some tricks up his sleeve (and claimed apparently more than Kevin).

Can you differentiate his spray from the clouds? I can’t.

Styled out and fresh as always!!! Yeah Turbo!

With the long interval swell, we found long lines to wrap in along the reef. There were a couple open barrels to be had; however, the crew was tearing up the faces primarily.

Ivan Saballos is always up for a session here. His fresh stick and bottom resulted in a…

Well, he was holding back and didn’t want to unleash everything so early on in the session.

Flo is spending some time in Managua with Turbo’s family. Because he’s from Germany, he’s been working an internship at the German school. He’s been stoked to change this up and spend some time in the water.

Van rompellinen!!! He tried to teach me how to say “cool” or “salvaje” in German but my mind can only learn one language at once.

Valeria was amping to paddle out with her room mates. I think we were more stoked to surf with her than she was to surf!!! Yeah Val!!

After winning Ms. Nicaragua in 2008, 2010, and 2011, she focused on her professional surfing career. A couple more hours in the water and she might be surfing harder than Morris and DJ Ivan…

Although, Turbo may always win in the charging department. Big outter reefs or smaller shallow reefs, he goes and he commits.

Danny and Donna Conti are in town checking up on their house. Not a bad time visit and not a bad wave to join us on, huh?

Cruising down the line, eating delicious Don Eloy’s pizza, or just chilling, he’s smiling ear to ear.

Thomas, we missed you today bro!! Hopefully see you on the next with with Devon and Brendan.

We apologize about uploading the report so late today. We were too busy enjoying our Humpday.

Over the weekend, Kevin told me he “got the point after page 280” in a book that has 250 pages. On a serious note, he gets the point when it comes to his rail game.

And just to make sure, he puts the cherry on top!

Sorry bro!! I should have been in a better position to get your epic barrel… That means we need to do this again soon!

Ivan was on the hunt too. Meanwhile, I was only thinking about stopping at his Riveria Market after the session for a cold Tona and a Trit.

Being a big time skater back in Germany, Flo picked up surfing very quickly. I think he might get out of Managua more often to surf with us.

Yeah bro!! It’s been super fun hanging out lately. Keep shredding amigo!

Even for a regular foot, this spot never gets old… Especially with light winds and warm blue water.

And cheering on your bros as they nail turns and shoot down the line! Thank you Ivan and Turbo for the hook ups today.

One last tube because Turbo was ripping today. Regardless of the waves or spot, it’s always a highlight to paddle out with this crew.

Ok guys and gals, thanks for hanging tight during the report and I hope y’all enjoyed the action. It’s time to slip out for a quick wave at sunset. Hasta en la manana amigos!!

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Good morning guys and gals! We know it’s Monday so let NSR’s surf report with Parker kick off your work week. The swell slightly dropped but there were still fun waves and tubes. Check it!