Bano taking one of the smaller waves to his advantage. The bomb sets were otherwise whirly big and burly!

Beautiful weather, plenty of decent surf… just missing our number one unique factor…. uhhhhh, yaaaa them offshore winds!

Still that didn’t sow down the handful of guys who went out to charge the stormy surf.

I could almost sell today as potentially – to – epically good based on a photo like this.

But then again, here’s another…. but photography just has this magical way of always making things look WAAAAY better than they really are.

This unknown soldier is pulling a full on “Brave Heart”, all in approach.

But I felt is was only appropriate to show who won that battle scene. Valiant effort amigo, way to sack it up brother!

One thing that isn’t very easy to paint a picture of with just photos, was the super gnarly sweeping current. At least this kid knew how to go against the grain and work his way north with the use of this aqua foamy green gem.

BAMMMM… I sure didn’t see this coming and I was watching and waiting to see how he was going to tackle that next section. Well done little amigo!

As a surfer, this guy is seeing what you and I aren’t exactly seeing…

But here’s what he saw and knew was coming at him head on. So not all waves or surf stories have a happy ending. I think the ocean won… hands down today!

But in reality, this place is always about having a happy ending! not one, not two, but the entire beach cruising crew is stoked!Aloha & Mahalo Nui Loa for peeping todays wild waves ~Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all theDaily Surf Shotsfrom each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories hereNSR or my photography hereNica Surf Shots

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Happy Monday everyone! The week is already off to a great start as the waves were super fun today. Incredibly clean conditions with wave running in the chest to well over head on the pulsing sets. Get on in here and see how good it was!