The morning commute along this remote stretch of land and no signs of gridlock or thousands of miles!

Some people arrived to the office early today. Better to get in and get your work done early so you can take an early lunch and maybe come pull in some over time in the afternoon!

The water is no longer brown and like I’m predicting. . . I think October is going to be “The Month” this season!

If not, I don’t have to go to the losers round or have to where a dunce cap. I just get to keep taking the same old photos that I’ve been doing year after year. Yeah, office job sucks! Jajajaja

If you guys recall the image I thew up on the report day during our little hurricane a few days back. Well, if you remember the shot of how much beach was gone from almost this same angle. You can see the major difference between tropical storm Nate and this one.

Don’t worry Big Blue, we’ll be coming for you in good time!!!

How many of you had to go to a real job today???? I am sorry, I mean I am really really sorry from the bottom of my heart!

Believe me if you want, or not, but the only people out today was all from one big group.

And they had all these waves all to themselves!

Friends trading off wave after wave after wave, just like this one here.

Hey you go left, I’ll take this little shackleton right!

Swell dropped a bit (is what I heard from almost everyone that passed by me the morning), this guy was sitting t here and saw the outside lump up and said, who said the swell dipped as he paddled like mad for this outside bombie!

Swell dipping is subjective (at least here) we have a 99.5% open ocean window of untouched shadowing or interference of swell that is marching our way in any direction (with the one exception of the island of Galapagos (which is a very rare swell window to even hit on its path towards us). Hence this hombres perfect barrel on a 2-3 + maybe occasional 4 foot day.

Shiny happy people said the B-52’s! You think they were referring to surfers??? Welcome back happy sun, fun waves and offshores that are all making their way back for a fantastic month! Come on back tomorrow to see how happy and refreshed Mr. Chris mis be after a long and much needed vacay! SBS is OUT ~Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all theDaily Surf Shotsfrom each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories hereNSRor my photography hereNica Surf Shots

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Welcome to the treacherous and wild Tuesday surf report. It was a swell that could have been one for the record books today, but as October is notoriously famous for with it typically bring the rainiest month of the year…we’ve all come to accept, that even the Emerald Coast is not immune to 365 days..