We had some good friends from down the way make their way over today for a fun day of fun in the sun. Like Mel here practicing her backside on a mellow day at our ever so popular Playa Colorado beach break!

And mi amiga Su, taking a little surf exploration from a little way south. Nice one Chica!!!!

Colin and crew were stoked to be riding some different waves today. As we all know it feels nice to sometimes break away from the norm of your daily surf break and try out some different types of waves.

To be honest, they were the only ones out there this afternoon….. and as you can see it was super fun for them to be trading off wave after wave all by themselves.

Give it another day or two and this thing will be reaching well overhead. So definitely come on back when the waves are doing it’s THANG!!!!!

Dave here practicing and getting ready for when the next juicy swell arrives!!!!

If you wan to step up your surfing game… this spot is the place!!

Just ask anyone who’s surfed here…. it’s one of the best stretches of beach on the entire Nicaragua Coastline!

Even the local eagle eye’s (pun intended) know this fact!

So here’s a little local surf stoke inspiration for all you surf fans…!A couple of my good friends from Amarillo & Gigante started a little surfing championship for the kids in gigante and they’re trying to get some local help and donations for prizes for the kids that want to participate; but don’t necessarily have the gear for each contest. The contest is set to have 10 dates, with the first already done and completed. So, here’s some info if you can help out in anyway! Its really roots type of contest and WAX would be the most appreciated thing to give way as a prize…… SO Any help is welcome and very much needed & appreciated!!!Here are some contacts if you wish to donate and make some of the local kids super happy and stoked out!!! +506 8637 1888[email protected]

NSR has proudly donated all the jerseys (like the one you see here) for all the contest entries. : )
Here are some highlight and the results from the first contest so far:LSG – Giant’s Surf LeagueThe competition was a success with 25 registrants who presented 17.1st place Jackson obando 2nd place Eduardo Obando 3rd place David Omar BelloWe are also happy to report our first donor, for the boys. Tomas Pardo, surfboard shaper, Head of project coordination in Nicaragua of the Spanish NGO, Amigos de la Tierra He donates a table shaped by himself, to raffle off among some of the boys in town who, due to lack of a table, have not been able to compete on the first date.The participants need surfing equipment, be it boards, fins, leashes and wax, any help will be very welcome !!! I hope to see you in the next date of the LSG Liga de Surf de Gigante The next contest is this next saturday 12:30

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Howdy surfers from around the world. We had some pretty nice conditions this morning, considering the weather was looking quite ominous. This might be our last HOORAH of clean conditions before that big rain storm reaches us this afternoon/evening.. so, glad we got this for today!