The reef, our special little slice of rock crustaceans and who knows what else that lurks below this otherwise underrated wave, looking all too tamable. When in reality if you’ve danced with her on a solid day, you would know, she’s not as forgiving as her image appears to be.

Here’s a tamable right that wasn’t a closeout and it wasn’t a maxing set. But that still doesn’t mean that these couple guys that were out weren’t chasing something that they came all the way down here for.

If you devote yourself to October surf here, IMHO, you’re a diehard and unique surfer and on your own level of finding surf in places where most people opt for the more safe choices.

Like I’ve said before and I’ll say it again…. October is a complete roll of the dice time to come here. Thankfully for the NSR reports you get front row seats for the last 15 + years of deciding on pulling the plug.

Man, but seriously, if the winds, and conditions were optimal, the swell out there the last couple days would make for some super sick surfing and content.

But that’s not to say that these guys weren’t giving it everything they had. It’s just some days, or even months are better than others.

It can even come down to literally certain windows in certain days where it can be complete and absolute MAGIC!!!!

Because everyone knows getting barreled in onshore surf is super easy! JAJAJAJA – NOT!

Stylish roundhouse wrap-arounds are what decades of optimal surfing were made of!

NO caption needed for this, if you’ve ever been caught in this particular situation.

Film crew at the end of the season here means only two things… 1. There wasn’t any other better options for this time of year. OR 2. These guys saw 2020 and 2021 and realized this place had greater odds of coming to make some movie magic happen. if it was #2, I sure hope they were here for the first part of October at least!

One of the screen actors for their film… putting in a days work.

One could say today totally blew. Well, then they’d be right, based on this image. But all in all… chasing waves is one of the most spontaneous things we as surfers look forward to. Here’s to tomorrow and all the future waves everyone comes here looking for! Saludos ~Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all theDaily Surf Shotsfrom each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories hereNSRor my photography hereNica Surf Shots

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Welcome back for the Tuesday surf report. The swell has gone down considerably, but the conditions were still nice and the crowd factor was down to a low low… much like the tide. Check it out and for some extra local good vibes…. step on IN!