The wavesweregood heightrightin the afternoon.Although a littlefast.
This pointwas empty,I do not thinkthere were more than10 people in thewater atthis time.
As you can seesome wavesremained withoutriders.
Althoughthe rights weremore consistentcame outfewgood lefts.We seeKevinhavingtubesevery day.
Some girlsin the line up, nice to seegirls lookingto climbtheir levelinwaves likethis.
Predictionssay thattoday would bethe day withsmallerwavesbut we hadsomeheavywaves.
Forthe next few daysthe wavesclimba bit, hopefullykeepthe shapeit has had forthese last days.
Thissurfer wasrippingtheright andleft.Some wavesweregoodcorners to makecuts.
We can see thesamesurferplaying withthisleftwithgood length.
Ok.friendsthis is not thesame photofrom yesterdaybut it isthe same pointwiththe same quality ofwave.See youtomorrowforanother gooddayofsurfing.ArmandoLopezisout.
Hey everyone! Welcome to Saturday morning’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very small today, but the morning window was favorable with the tide. Good for cruisin’!
What’s up people? Brian here, bringing you another piece of paradise on this lazy Sunday, here in Nicaragua! Another day of good waves here in the month of October. A little smaller than yesterday but still some nice waves coming in around chest to shoulder high. Check it out!