Here’s what Jamie does when he’s not running this entire beach back and forth… sprinting full speed on his favorite lefts!

Pretty much anyone who surfs this place regularly has some kind of land type sport or exercise regimen that coincides with surfing… Dario’s is obviously skating!

I’m not sure who this unknown hombre is, but he was getting a bunch of waves back to back.

If he was getting barreled, this is one way he would complete it.

Or this… which either way, they both look pretty sick! Nice surfing amigo!

Surf wasn’t too shabby, although it looks small see, there were some bigger sets coming in.

I’m hoping that the swell will fill in through the weekend so we can have some more amazement to this otherwise clean and sunny October that we’re currently having.

NMRK had to have been on Cesars mind when this set came out of nowhere and came right to him.

Papa “Stop & GO” setting up for a super fun golden hour left! His favorites!!!!!

October has been delivering the epic sunset goods for sure too! Another pre Holloween “Blood Orange” fire in the sky moment as we’ve seen plenty of these and we’re only half way through the month.

And once that fiery sun melts into the Pacific, all those warm colors turn into these cooler pastel tones and then it’s time to pack it up before the zancudos eat you alive! Jajaja – Buenas noches & Enjoy the rest of your Friday ~

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Holla holla party people. We are stoked to bring you another installment of our daily Nicaragua surf report. We didn’t have to wait to long for the winds to turn and the sun to come back out.

Howdy NSR diehard fans. Today we have had rain all day. Been going non-stop since last night. Although this is normal for this time of year, especially for October, it definitely makes for a lackluster surf report. So thanks in advance for bearing through these last few days of not the best surf. Stay tuned..