On the first surfing shot of the day we have our friend Rex “La Bestia” Calderon he was flying all over the place. Check him out blasting fins out.

Here we have these two guys walking around to the beach after the long and fun surf session.

Today we had a few beginners out there trying to get some fun waves. This is Laura one of them riding on the chocolate water.

As we said before the waves were small but super fun. Here we have this unknown surfer riding on this peeler left hander, one of the many waves that he caught today.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hi everyone, this is the NSR family bringing you a little bit surf of the action that we had on the beach today. The waves were kind of fun, running about waist to chest high on sets with nice offshore winds and the water was fresh. Check out the lineup!!!