The left peak was working, but there was only one surfer on it at first.

Others started to catch on soon enough. Nice backside floaty.

You can’t see his face, but we all know it’s Lester throwing a double-grab.

Small and playful = try new stuff. Lester again going for his own version of the sushi roll. Sequence 1

He just started trying to pull these recently. Sequence 2

Almost made this one. Give it a month or two, he’ll be pulling those for sure. Sequence-3

Locals like to use their lunch break to surf. One hour can quickly turn into two.

Anyone getting tired of seeing Lester fly through the air? Naa

Alvin’s another one of our local rippers. He didn’t want his lunch break to end either.

Charlie is one of our Florida visitors staying at the NSR beach house. He was covering a lot of ground on that log.

Michael is the next generation of local shredders. Future Nicaraguan world champ! Watch out Medina.

The last shot of the day is our boy Charlie again, getting his waves before he returns to Florida. We hope you’ve been enjoying your stay with us bud. A and T are out for the day. Shred on amigos.

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Hello andgood morningeveryone. In the morningwe had alight wind. The wavesonly reached2 feet high. Today nobody get barrel, so was time to do maneuver.