There was nobody out at Maderas today so we had the whole spot for ourselves for at least three hours. Everybody was so excited because we saw some fun ones coming through. The first guy who paddled out was our good friend D-lite. Here is a cool shot that Come Pan got of him with the water camera.

On the way to Maderas we picked a couple locals up and they were so happy to make it back to this spot. Augusto “La Gaviota” Chamorro is caught here with our land camera with a cool maneuver.

On the last shot of the day we have one more photo of the “Forty Year Old Intern” D-lite with a sweet off the lip on this left hander. He was so hungry to get good waves that he destroyed every single wave he got today. The swell should be a little bit bigger tomorrow and the forecast says that we are going to have offshore winds in the morning, so keep an eye on NSR and see what we got for you.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Today we keep felling so much rain down here in Nicaragua, right now it,s 3:00 oclock down here and started to rain last night around 8:30. The beach is completely empty, we just have a tons of trush. The people is trying to sell everithing they have in their farms because the rivers are getting..