We’ve had a lot of rain lately, but not today. I think it looks fun but then again, I’m from Florida.

I was still surprised to see no one out all day. There are starving surfers in Florida that would kill for some wind-slop like this!

I realize I’m sugar-coating it here, but it’s not like it’s flat! Where is everyone?

Even on a windy day, a trace of what this wave is supposed to look like showing through here.

O well, I guess I’ll fly the drone. It always looks better from above right?

Hold on, let me take a selfie.

If conditions improve or if anyone decides to give it a go, there will be another update today (no promises from the looks of it). Otherwise let’s hope for better conditions tomorrow. Onshore days are usually few and far between around here. Thanks for checking in, Theo saying adios until tomorrow.

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Hola amigos, Lucha Libre is here with your Monday surf report. I was off for a couple days but for now on Its only gonna be me with your daily update. We drove early this morning and this is what we found, chest to shoulder high waves on the bigger sets, winds were nice offshore..