Bruno was definitely the tube hound of the day. He seemed to catch a wave from each good set that rolled through.

He had plenty of speed after shooting across the hollow section and wiped it off with a quick snap.

This guy displaced some spray, but ended up fully extended. It’s tricky to ride out from this posture as it’s difficult to recenter your torso and head. There’s only one way to master laybacks though, and that is to try!

Not all of the waves were super hollow today. The smaller waves were good for surfing from rail to rail, like this guy with his roundhouse cutback.

Here’s Bruno’s barrel of the day sequence… He timed his entry perfectly here and you can see how low he dropped his back knee to the deck of the surfboard.

He stayed calm and kept some pressure over his back foot to get as deep as possible.

He’s back in sight, let’s see if he can succeed with the exit.

He’s pretty close to home free here, but isn’t all the way in the clear yet.

And he’s out! Nicely done Bruno that was definitely one of the better waves and rides I saw all day.

Carlos de Colorados snuck out for a few waves this morning. Showcasing his Andy Irons-esque style with a smooth under-the-lip backside hook.

Objective of the day: Get some waves and “make some waves”. This guy’s lower body mechanics were clearly solid here, but I’m a bit surprised he was able to rotate through the turn as much as he did given the position of his trailing arm.

Uh oh! Trouble in paradise hahaha! I don’t know if these two are a couple, but they seemed to have a good laugh about it later as the girl ended up pulling off the top of the wave a few frames later. No harm no foul with party waves (with friends) when the wave is tame and both surfers have solid board control.

Aside from getting barreled, the next best thing is chucking some buckets right in front of your amigos 🙂

The quality run of surf continues! There was definitely more power and energy in the sets today, and the forecast is calling for yet another increase tomorrow. Thanks for checking in and hasta mañana!

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hello World! Welcome back for another awesome day and even better for most of you out there working the M-F grind as today is Friday and that means a couple of days off to go and enjoy! We are supposed to be seeing some more swell over the weekend here so it’s like the day..

Hey what up my people!? Hope everybody is living good out there, today is another beautiful day sun is shining and it is about 82 degrees outside with light offshore wind. The waves are waist to chest high with an occasional head high set pulsing through the lineup. Come cruise through some photos from the..