There are four peaks working good in this surf spot, but all the crew was concentrated in the second peak. Well, the right have a tube, but was short and the left no have a tube, but was longer to made strong cuts.

This is why the crew was surfing this peak. This wave have a perfect shaped like a envelope, so is easy to read and take the wave. The left or the right have the both ways able to go.

The waves were better with the very high tide. Here is Michaela NovaKova the best surfgirl from Limon 2, Vuuaaaaaaaaa!!!. La chabala de la pelicula!!!!.

The girls were catching some of the medium size waves. This beach is deeper this year because the big swell clean a lot of the sand in the beach.

This girl from Brazil Roberta was going for all in one of the wave of the set. The swell is small during this week, but there are always some places how receive very well the small swell.

I see this girl taking three really nice waves. Here is one of the best one of she take. Here she is getting ready to make a turn. We need to see this,,,….

Yeeeeaaaah Pppppp!!!!. Clase corte!!!!. Is good to know of this people have fun today in their vacations.

Here is this man going to have a straight collision with the lip of this wave. This is the second peak closing with the first peak.

He is going fast, so this happened in a second. He hit very well this part of the wave, probably this was the best trick tried.

I hear the tail of this board making a sound like this,,,.. Paaaaaakkkkaaaaaaaa!!!!!.

This swell was really special, because I see all the beaches work with a A frame. The end of the waves were finish in corners very pronounced. I was checking the swell forecast and I think a combination of swells from the very west were provoke this effect.

Mario The Simio was in his favorite pink surfboard. Here he is getting speed to made a air. Will see how he made.

Well, is a tiny air, but was the only one who I see. Mario normally made strong tricks, but after a few days using this board he start losing his power.

Check, here is making a cut with a sound like this,,… Haaaaaaaaaaaiiiyyyyyyyyy!!!!.

I see a lot of good waves with good shape. The people in the line up was making good job. I think they were having a lot of good experience in waves with perfect conditions.

Here is one sick late drop. This surfer try to make this wave, but he can’t get out, but was sick to see the try.

Here is one of the surfer follow the wave until the short break. He is looking to made a turn close to this lady. I hope he don’t be distracted.

Chhhuauuuuauauuauakkkatatttaaaa… Nice buddy!!!.

The four peaks were about twenty meters away one to the other. So they were coming together and this surfers were finish the waves with some snaps.

We still having some waves even in the small days, so search the rights spots and have fun. The reef always are good .

What a Wednesday! Our favorite beach break came back to life. Reborn the Monster!

Hey everyone! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from a confidential peak haha! The swell definitely showed up this evening and was our first dose of real swell in some time.

Hey everyone! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were better this morning than the prior mornings, and were worse in the afternoon than the past few afternoons. So a bit of a change in the favorable windows. The wind was really light this morning and the crowd was nonexistent. Asher hard..

Holla party people. How are your day? We have some good waves during the high tide. A lot of peak were working, everyone with different shape. check it out some of the good waves and the action of today.