Now to the waves…we have another glorios day today. The winds started out offshore, but by the time we made it to the beach, they had turned. The waves were only chest high on sets, but we got wet for the hell of it.

The good news is, according to Roberto, that the nice weather brings more girls to the beach. And even though the waves are small and crumbly, there is something to keep us distracted.

Here is another shot of Sven from Sweden. I figured we’d put up a shot of him surfing since Roberto was stalking his girlfriend on the beach.

Imagine that, another girl in a bikini. Nice work Roberto!

And at the risk of starting more controversy, I’m posting this shot of Crazy Dave, relieving himself at the beach. If you own this property, please do not send us an email, we don’t have anything to do with this, we just take the pictures.

Have I ever mentioned how hard Nicaraguan roads are on vehicles? Yesterday, it was my alternator – which, fortunately for me, died while I was in Managua. Today, I get my battery box re-welded to the frame. I’ve been fighting this fundamental flaw in the ’97 hilux since I bought it. I’ve learned more in the last year than I ever cared to know about repairing my truck with an arc welder. The good news it that it only cost me about 50 cordobas or $3. Tropical storm Beta is forecast to hit tomorrow night so stay tuned.

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.