What’s up guys, this is Jairo “Come Pan” Panic starting the week with the Monday surf report. It looks like we are finally back to our OFFSHORE weather pattern and we are stoked!!! Today we took “El Burro” and headed out to the beach to bring you some surf action. The waves were really fun. It was running about chest to shoulder high on sets with the wind strong offshore. The water is starting to feel a little chilly. Check it out.

Today the McMahon family joined us again for a day at the beach. D-lite decided to take the longboard out and grab a couple. Here he is showing us his style and skills on this nice looking left. C’mon D-lite – touch the nouse with your belly!

Augusto “La Gaviota” Chamorro was flying all over the place with his brand new surfboard. Man, that think is ORANGE! Here we caught him with a nice front side air. Augusto has been working hard on his surfing for the next surf contest season.

Here we have another local, Luis “ La Bailarina” with his first NSR shot. Luis is the resident Salsa teacher in SJDS (a clever guise that nets him tons of gringa girls who are captivated by his hips.) Unfortunately for Luis, gyrating dance skills don’t translate to the surf board and he still needs a lot of practice in the ocean. Even so, we are debuting him here today with this attempt to fly! Don’t quit your day job Luis!

When the rain stops, we can always capture some great shots of the natural wonders found in Nicaragua! This colorful creature tried to catch a ride home with us

This is another sick photo from our archives. This is Roque taking one of the best barrels of this day. Although he lives in the U.S. now, we want him to remember the great waves he caught while he was here with us. NSR maintains the largest collection of surf photos in all of Nicaragua. We have surf photos available in our archives from almost every single day of the last 4 years! Click the photo above to see what I mean. It’s a great resource if you are planning a trip down and want to know what kind of waves you can expect in a certain month.We are supposed to have another beautiful day tomorrow. So be sure to check back with us.

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Welcome everyone to the surf report for today, it’s “Lucha Libre” reporting from out here at Maderas. It’s chest high on sets and the wind came on again, what a pity. Check out the lineup.

What’s up everyone? CarloCaliente here with our report from a new spot up north, Tubitos. We had our shark watchers on patrol today. Manuel pulled this guy from the lineup and we decided all was clear when the little fella was ID’d as a Nurse shark – mouth too small to do any real damage.