Hang on, you’re missed a little on your nose there amor.

Shivery is still alive and well in 2018, but they did miss Oscars sick barrel.

Grant showing Danny a little of his own waterworks. (inside plumbing joke – take it easy!)

Scott doing a massive lip bash. Nice one amigo!

The waves were nice and compact but pretty heavy, much like Oscar and his surfing.

Grant’s been on fire out there the last few session. Nice tubo hermano!

Oscar’s been doing air’s way before this past contest and he’ll keep doing them until next October when the next surf shop challenge returns. Keep up the good work buddy!

Far bar…. kinda. Up the beach looked pretty solid this morning.

Sometimes most people just want a nice shoulder to lean on, surfers just need a soft shoulder to land on.

The aftermath of our last swell…aka surfboard graveyard.

3 people out, one wave. The ONE the got away!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hello everybody and happy Friday!! Welcome to the surf report with Parker. The waves are ok but it’s my final surf report so you should check it out!