Nicaragua Surf Report for Saturday, October 28, 2006

Pancho here with the Saturday surf report. We gave Roberto the day off so he could clean his television, dvd player and fans. (I didn't quite understand it either???). We are out here at Maderas and the swell is still holding solid - overhead on the sets and really fun. The wind has been light offshore all day and light/variable this afternoon. It's a typical Saturday out here - fun waves and a festive atmosphere. Check it out.

This is "World Traveler" Marc, from Chile enjoying a nice left. Welcome to Nicaragua Marc, you made it on NSR!

El Freaky was out freakin' it up today too, just in time for Halloween. There were some chicks on the beach too but they ran from Hot Carl when they saw the big lens on his camera and he couldn't get any shots off. Roberto will be back in action on Monday so hang on for another day for the chick shots.