Dani Cruche further refining his backside barrel riding form. I like how much wider his stance is now, and how he has his sternum facing directly down the line.
Oh OK! This chica even tossed some spray on the bogey.
I guess that wasn’t all she had in mind. She got inverted with a spinner combo on the inside.
S-layback snap.
Man, I feel so bad for sleeping in this morning now… Oh well, I still got a couple head dips later at high tide. *Coping* :’(
It sucks to get inverted on these air drops when it’s a good wave, but it’s really satisfying when you do ride out of these crazy drops. This guy rode through this one and I bet he had some adrenaline flowing.
Oh my goossshhh, how perfect is this right running toward us here. By this point I was about ready to sprint full speed back to my house and grab my board haha.
Good form Dani! You’d easily make the Olympic dive team for Nica or Uruguay haha! I do these sorts of dives all the time too, so let he who is without sin throw the first stone.
The chica bodyboarder scoring some air time. She was fired up today.
*Destruction by Bruce Faulconer* begins to play. I’ll leave a youtube link to the track. Only my fellow 90’s kids and DBZ bros will get the reference.
Bruno or his impostor locking into a sandy left dungeon again. He was getting some good waves, but I don’t think his narrow stance is as functional as Dani’s wider stance seen earlier in this report.
Speak of the devil! Yep, Dani’s stance is definitely better, but here he could probably open up his hips a bit more so that his front knee isn’t obstructing his chest as much. To be fair this is still pretty close to ideal posture IMO.
Well guys we got lucky today! I was not even remotely expecting offshore flow today, but it showed up. I’m going to get to bed early tonight so I’ve got a shot at low-tide tomorrow morning if the offshore shows up again. See you guys again tomorrow while Tony is temporarily in pursuit of greener pastures.
Hi everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The swell is probably slightly larger today, but it is also much windier.
Hello everybody and welcome back to the daily surf report! Today we got some photos from the dawn patrol session, well we got some waves during dawn patrol and then shot around 8am lol. Check it out..
Hello friends and family from around the world and those of you lucky enough to be here with us in Nica and on this amazing stretch of coastline in the Tola region where we call home here at Hacienda Iguana. If you are here now I hope you woke up early today because the high..