Welcome everybody to the surf report for today, we are “Lucha Libre and Come Pan Panic” reporting from out here at the bay. It’s running about chest to head high on sets but the wind came on again, today we recieved more tham 1,800 people on that baby in the background. Check it out.

It’s the last report of the month and we made it out to Maderas too. Here is Augusto “La Gaviota” Chamorro improving his maneuvers and getting ready to go out and party tonight.

The ladies were charging this morning. Here is Karina “La Picosa” Miranda from CR Tamarindo, it’s so nice to see that ladies are trying to learn how to surf specialty when they are sexy like this one. See you around tonigh machia!!!

Gerardo “El Mope” Miranda get back to the action and was shredding all over the place. Hey mope, i heard you are going to get married pretty soon, is that true?

Jamir “El Coki” Brox is trying to find a chick for tonight. Here he is doing his thing, ladies man is going to be out tonight ladies, so watch out for him!!

Do you think that you had seem everything on NSR? No way, watch out this guy going big with a wild jump from the higher bridge we have in town. We though that he never was going to make something like this, to be continue!!!

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.