The waves were so fun, and 90% of them were right handers. Scott had this in his eyes, and he was blessed from the sky. Welcome down amigo!

Tony Z taking a flight on this one. Make sure to drop earlier next time Zeta!

The waves were breaking better at the north end of the beach but there also some nice ones down south. Miguel stayed over there and he got some nice ones. Yeahhhhh Mike!!!

Nice little barrel sections to score this morning. Check out this unknown rider with a nice little sequence, setting up!

Shot 3, right in the hot spot!

And out, clean and safe!

Even goofy footers were going right. Here is caught this one holding the rail, and pig doggin’.

No many lefts to take out there, and the ones that came through rolled in with nobody on. Literately, nobody. Ouchhhhhhhh!!!

Everyone is welcomed to come down and score some of our sick surf, but please you gotta be respectful, so everyone will get to enjoy our country and our surf. Come on Rafa, you can share!

Rafa again??? Right in the shoulder. This would have been this guy’s barrel of the day.

Waoooo, you probaly can make it once as an accident but 3 or 4 times, that’s it’s not good. Even Simon got burned!

Rafa scoring a sick one, with nobody on his way. I bet it feels so good to get a nice wave with nobody on your way. Right Rafa??? Enjoy our country, always with respect please!

Sick waves to share as you can see. Left or right amigos?

Quite a few rippers in the lineup this morning. Check out this surfer with a sick turn in the inside section!

Amazing runners in the inside. Where are you Borrador???

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hola amigos, another day with super small waves down here in Nicaragua, but we are not complaining because at least we have a beautiful day and there are some other things we can do meanwhile mother nature send us some swell. Check it out! It was defenitely a good to take the big boards out..