Five people in the water, a lot of good waves, the 90% look like this one.

I am not kidding, Lester made my day of photo easy. He ride that left for about ten meters.

The people from New York was talking about the best surfing in his life. Some waves made they have that feeling.

Left and right, Nick was exhausted of one hour surf session. He go back to the condominium with big smile.

Lester just have one more barrel in his life. He not is in the top twenty in the Nicaragua ranking, because is too busy surfing his way. He is the Pipemaster Nica.

Remember this peak in the photos from yesterday. Keep the same.

Today this place show way is the best spot for surf in our coast. Is the barrel machine. So proud to live here.

The locals are working hard right now, just Lester keep in vacation.

Kikiisa good girlfriend.The onlywork forLesteris stay away fromother girls.That means you canspend all yourtime on the water.

Ok. mis amigos. Everyday is a gift, so you know what to do. If you can surf just for a hour, you day will be better. Have a great night. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Hola amigos, we made it early to the beach this morning and we found something weird, the winds were blowing strong sideshore (coming from south). Usually we don’t get this kinda winds early, but anyway we are not complaining. There were still some fun ones rolling in and the water was great. Check out the..