It was super glassy and nice little a-frames coming in up and down the beach. “Maryland” Mike woke up early to get the “worm” (barrel duh), dropping into a nice one.

Left or Right? How about both. Gustavo and Jamil made it over from Salinas early. They didn’t come alone either, brought a group of surfers fresh off the jet. I guess the word got out where the waves were good.

Eye candy for surfers.

A few reeling rights down the way. Yes please!

Clear moon and sunrise at the same time.

Breakfast anyone? How long do think it took him to perfect that cast net throw?

New surfers fresh off the jet and warming up nicely with a sick end to sweet section.

Jamil giving some pointers to one of his guests or telling him that’s the last free bee.

Gustavo, holding on and trying to keep his line on a frothy backside barrel section.

Doesn’t that look inviting? What are you waiting for? Come down and check out Nicaragua for yourself. That’s it for today folks, should be fun sized surf for the following week so stay tuned. Hasta manana amigos!

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hola amigos, this is Lucha Libre Garcia with a quick update for our Thursday surf report. It is November and the waves are super fun. We stopped by the NSR Beach House today to check the waves, and this is what we found. Head high plus sets rolling in and the winds were perfect offshore. ..

We don’t have any idea where the hell this rain came from, but we are not complaining because it’s making out weather way cooler. Yes friends, it’s been raining since last night all the way through this morning. More than 10 hours straight of rain has been falling in the pacific coast in Nicaragua and..