The left look like playground but a little faster and barreling.

Some good surfers out there. The wall was growing a little fast, so people need to made fast move.

Some surfers prefer to go to check other spot. Check what is going on.

The river is open, so some waves were forming in the river mouth. Tom from New York was the first one trying. First try. He made.

In the first try. They were careful. Was only two feet of waves, look easy, but not it is.

Time for Nitro Circus. Tom decide made a airdrop. SICK!!!!

Was double over head big airdrop. He almost break his surfboard.

Amazing, no words for that. Tom is the best surfer of today.

“El Galera” was the only local in the water. Killing the waves.

Were more people surfing in the river, compared with people in the ocean itself. Weird.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hola amigos, offshore winds are back and we were enjoying the waves today. Chest to shoulder high waves on the bigger sets, and no crowds. Check out the lineup!

Goodmorning everyone! Brian here, with another sick report here in beautiful Nicaragua. Up early again this morning and found super fun waves in the waist to chest high range and glassy early, with only a handful of surfers in the water. The winds started to pick up and get gusty again as the morning went..