Mr Miles was charging as always. Check him out diggin’ a deep bottom turn on one of the bigger sets of the day with a sweet style. Did we mention that the winds were pretty strong?

Stuart paddled out at the beach break and he caught a couple of fun ones. This guy injured one of his arms on a trip to Indo a few years ago and he’s starting to have some action again. Good for you my friend!

Shot 2, looking down the line!

Shot 4, setting up!

Shot 6, money shot of the seq!

A few other guys were in the lineup, catching some fun ones as well. Here is caught this unknown rider trying to pigdog into this sweet right hander.

There were some sick lefts rolling in but they were a little bit fast. Check out this dude missing a nice one.

We have a sick nature to share with everyone. Here is the natural shot of the day, what a beautiful Iguana, uh!

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Ahhh, San Juan Del Sur on a Sunday afternoon. Well, today we still had the onshore winds, but they were very light. It looks like the next couple of mornings will be offshore and by Wednesday or so we’ll be back to our normal offshore pattern. It’s a good thing too because today we saw..

D-Litaicito decided to paddle out and catch a couple of waves before dark. He was stoked because there were only three other people in the lineup. That is the way he likes it because it doesn’t happen very often.

Another day and more waves here in Nicaragua! Our swell has dropped a little since yesterday but there are still some inconsistent, overhead sets and lots of barrels! The water dropped a couple of degrees last night and it’s a bit chilly. Check out this guy, staying warm and dry inside the tube.