Lesther, all silhouetted out on a nice, clean, little buttery shoulder.

The mood was tranquilo and the air was salty with a hint of Flor de Caña or Toña whichever you desire?

This unknown surfer was loving his session this evening (can you tell?). I spoke briefly with him towards the end when he got out and he was couldn’t get over how nice this place it. Wait for tomorrow, especially Friday Amigo!! You’re gonna think you died and gone to heaven!

I’m so excited to see how this swell will do with all the sand bars formed. This will be our first and maybe last (Big) swell, so I think a lot of people are anxiously awaiting to see how this one does at the sand bars! Lesther’s pumped up, I bet!

Slow and low that is the tempo…. Uhhh..rrrrr well skip the slow part I guess.

Fins out and aiming for a soft cushioning.

I think it’s always good to look towards the future, but looking back on a few things from time to time doesn’t hurt.

I see Josh has a admirer of his surfing there… I think he has a few admirer’s, but he might not know about it?? Well, I can show you Cinco reason why he’s admired!

BOOOOM!!! 1,2,3,4,5! Ripping buddy! Watch out… Da chica’s gonna be swooning on you soon!! (haha – ya know Im just playin little hermano!) Keep up the good work on the waves!

Style is defined by…. I’m gonna say this guy has a few options!

Ok, I have to say, this is the closest I think I’ve come to seeing a kayaker getting barreled in real life. Maybe I don’t get out enough? Or maybe there’s a world wide shortage of surfing kayakers? Who knows??

The chosen Juan parting the sea!

Yup, I’m sticking with the “what time is it theme”… a a a a n d… it’s Selfie time! These nice ladies got all dressed up and I assume were making their way to Pili’s to dinner, by way of the beach walk. Can’t think of a better way to get to supper!

Devon is brining a whole new style AND meaning to the term “Laid Back”. Sick maneuver hombre!

and Jenna his wife was styling just as groovy down the way picking off the lefts on her orange wave magnet cruiser.

Well guys, what do you say… is it Toña time?? Aron, Danny, V-Man and Jan heading back from a super fun day of waves.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello everybody! This is Hotstick Hannahs welcoming you to today’s NSR report! The waves are fun and mellow so check it out.