We had waves all over the place. The view down south the beach!

Would you call this perfection? Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

We also had some sick rights coming in and our very own Pancho Sanchez was there to score some of them.

The lefts were doing their thing today, as you can see. They were kinda fast but there were some makeable for sure.

Any idea why we call this spot Playa C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? Just check the colors on this thing!

El Codo Lopez made it out for a couple minutes and he was able to catch a few decent ones. Check him out attacking this little section!

Unknown rider pulling into a gnarly one. Charginggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From a gnarly one to a clean one. Wooo, it was nice to see everyone out there getting some sick waves.

A couple of ladies made it to the beach and they took advantage of the beautiful day we had. Welcome down chica!

Nobody was working on turns today, everybody wanted to get pitted. This guy had a couple of cool turns so we decided to post one of them.

This guy had one of the cleaner barrels of the day, just take a look at this shot. Cool angle, uh! We have the whole sequence pal, including the bad a,, turn you made at the end.

Carlitos, one of the better tube riders in the whole country made it out and he scored as always. Just chilling and getting some shade!

I got not much to say on this one. The pic talks itself!

Working on the pigdog style. Dale pelon!!!

We had fun waves rolling in all day long, even at high tide. November is giving us some sick surf, don’t you think?

Barrels everywhere pals, check out this little sequence. Shot 1, setting up!

Gone and still going!

And out, we have about 15 shots sequence of this wave. Too many to post!

I’ve been taking photos of this spot for about 9 years and I always get to find a new angle. God bless my eyes!

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hi everybody, we’ve got Lucha Libre Garcia here posting a couple of photos in for our early Wednesday surf report. The waves were fun today, as almost every day down here, running about chest to head high on the bigger sets and the winds were nice offshore. Check it out!!!

The swell stayed around with us and we are not complaining. The surf was super fun running about chest to head high with a couple over head waves on sets, the wind was still strong but it died a little bit compared to yesterday. Check out the lineup!

Hi folks, this is the NSR family bringing you all the action for this Monday surf report. Today we went to the beach in the morning, trying to take advantage on the wind condition and we already had a couple people out there having a good time when we arrived. It was running about waist..