As we said before the day was perfect to take the big boards out. A couple of locals took the big pangas and they were having a blast.

A bunch of chicks and a bunch of lonboarders were enjoying the beautiful day we had. This chica was ripping hard all over the place.

Pedrito Florotes was practicing on his huge panga. He’s representing Nicaragua in the upcoming Central American contest to have place at Playa Venao, Panama.

The lineup was a little busy, and we have to say that 85% were beginners, that means some accident. Have you ever been run over by somebody? Check out this little sequence!

Ohhhhh, about to get slice it!

That guy went diving pretty deep, because we didn’t see any blood!

Borrador has only a couple of days left in Nica, and today he paddled out no worried about the size. Check him out having fun on his shortboard.

The day was super hot and sunny, we were all worried about getting sun burn. Get the sunblock on fellas!

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Hi there, El Codo Lopez took the camera out today and he did his best to show you some of the action we had out there. The waves were stilll kinda small, running about waist to chest high on the bigger sets, the winds steady offshore and the water was nice. Check it out!