There he goes by the Indian Face, the little guy in the red circle. See you at Maderas Pancho, god willing dude!!!

After we dropped Pancho off, Hace Quesos and I drove up to the beach hoping to see Pancho again. After a little more than an hour Pancho showed out and was ready to catch some waves on the big panga. Here he comes way out of Machete Pt.

As soon as we got to the beach we watched one of the best barrels we’ve ever seen at Playa Maderas but we couldn’t take pictures because the camera was still inside the truck. Check out the lineup!!!

As soon as Pancho got to the lineup, he was able to score some sweet waves on the big paddle board. Here he is styling on a nice looking left.

This Peter picking up another cool right. He was so stoked to go to the beach today because he rode some really nice waves.

Many guys were waiting for the cruise ships down in town, with their cycles. They are so happy because now they have another option for work.

Later on, Pancho Sanchez decided to ride a couple waves on the longboard. Here he is looking down the line on this beautiful right.

Lester “El Coyotito” Pomares was ripping all over the place. Check him out with a small but a sweet snap.

Some other locals were not worried about the surf action, were worried about action on the beach. What are you looking at Crosstie?

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

The NSR photographers were out with the cameras today trying to get some good photos of everybody in the water. Please click on this photo and find out if you got shot in Nicaragua. The photos from today are going to be posted in two days so be sure to check them out.