The right and the left was perfect. The wind made hard to catch the wave but after the droop just look the ramp was really a good feeling, after have a couple days with just two feet of waves.
The wind and the wave almost take the short of this surfer. After he clean the breeze on his face he have time to get the control and see the line.
Here is the same surfer of the photo before. He is trying to made a cut in this nice wall of the wave. The right was long and playful all the way to the beach. Three waves like this one in your surf session were good for made you feel happy for the rest of the day.
When we have a day off the only think we wish is a good day of surf. Here is my buddy Parker Hannah’s enjoying his day off.
Parker come of surf in longboard all his life and now he is ripping in short board in Nicaragua. We hope when he come back to the United State in one or two years he probably will have a tons of experience in our waves.
Cesar (El Dude) was also in the water with us. He was riding the left. The left have a really good lines for made a lot of cuts. The traffic over there was like a rush hour.
Mr. Jack can tell the true about the trafic. He was going around fifty kilometers per hours and he need to use the brake in this beautiful left. They have lucky of Mr. Jack have the view 20/20.
Here is ( El Dude ) again making a return in this ample ramp. The speed and the vibration of the board for the wind were making hard to keep the control.
Well. We will have two days with nice size waves, so go to surf all day buddy. We have one more tide and is perfect for go to surf for three hours from three to six in the afternoon.
Lester was watching the waves with me and he start to run after to see couple of sets. Hurry up buddy!!!…..
Here is a wave between the sets. Were more easy to catch and normally were breaking peaky.
Here is the surfer from the last picture ripping that lip. Lester is paddling out and he is charging with the energy of the surf.
Now was the turn for Lester. I think you are boring to see him making airs. Probably i will asking to him to do something different.
There are some new faces in the water. This wave is nice for practice almost every kind of tricks. From here to March we probably spend a lot of time in this point because always have waves.
Even in the short break the waves of the sets keep strong and overhead. I get a wave with good section for made three of the lip with good wall and perfect shape overhead. I am so happy after the morning session.
Ok. Amigos. Here is Parker after finish his surf session. He go home and I go to check the waves again, so see you tomorrow in another surf report. Armando Lopez is out.
Hey everyone! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were really fun this morning. This week should be the best we’ve had in some time.
Hello good afternoon. The high tide is in the morning and this is the condition. Small and peaky waves, nice offshore wind and just three people in the water. Day to use a longboard, is a sunny Sunday.