The water was nice and warm and really BLUE!!!
Ok, so here’s the real reason I was up and at it early. These two dudes needed some photos to help remember their first trip down to Nicaragua. Michael and Austin ready to go to work!
Good to see David out there enjoying the waves that peel literally right in front of his new condo at Costa mar.
This swell that showed up yesterday has some punch to it. Check out that lip in that thing!
The beauty of this wave is the length of the rides you can get on both the lefts and the rights. This guy coming around on his 3rd or 4th turn and about to get maybe 5 or 6 more just like it.
Michael, aka Mikito, showing me his rail game for the first time. Impressive young brother!!!
If you’re a fan of long drawn out turns, then this is the wave for you.
Mr. Tim Walker’s one of the longest running guys to have surfed these waves here in Tola. Guaranteed if it’s really big, Tim will be out there!!!
Always good to see Tsunami Tommy back out in the lineup too!!!! Yah buddy, get some!!!
Austin “Ass-man” stroking into one of the reefs mini-bombs of the day. You gotta paddle your coolo off here or you’ll miss the wave. Not to mention the 35+ mph winds that shoot straight up the wave face while you’re trying to catch one of these fast moving ledges of water.
Once you’re up and ready for your ride, this is a pretty common and regular site to see… a big wall ready and waiting for you to play with!!! Pull into that thing Hombre!!!
Mikito was defiantly the star of the day catching maybe 25 or 30 waves.
Here’s another sick one, only going left this time.
I think we’re gonna go try and line up some more shots for the afternoon session. I hope it’s still firing like it was this morning.
If you saw my report yesterday, I posted this flyer and if you’re just now seeing it, here’s a reminder. If you’re looking for a really fun event for the weekend, you should cruise over to Playa Jiquiliste (Santana) this Sunday (tomorrow) for the Copa De Surf contest. It starts at 7am and will run all day. It’s going to be a fun event so come on out and check out all the shredding that be going down!
Hey everyone! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were really fun this morning. This week should be the best we’ve had in some time.
Hello everyone! Today here at Santana we were very happy for two reasons… It’s Friday and the waves were great!