Robertowas onhislong boardsurfingandget waveseasier than anyother in the water.Look at allthe time he hasto decidewhere to go inthe wave.

The rightsweremore constant thanthe leftsand for thefront side surfertheywere goodtodo maneuvers.

This girl was checking the left and got this pretty overhead wave.

Another girl was killing the waves in the same spot all morning, I think she is the star of NSR today.

The “X factor” girl was on fire today taking so many waves, I know you had so much fun.

The guys “Tom and Tom” were enjoying the Sunday, good way to start the morning. For sure is good when you surf with one of your best friend.

The report say 3 to 4 feet high for today and this girl was taking waves more than over head and she is tall.

Some spot where throwing little tube. Nobody was over there. What a pity.

Robert went to change his surfboard for ripping this wave, sssuuuaashhhh.

Simon say he like how this girl surfing. I think is because she is better surfer than he is.

Ok my friends. This was the surf report for the first day in December, I wish you to can surfing the rest of the month until next year. Happy Sunday, Armando Lopez is out.

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hi there, Lucha Libre Garcia here for your Saturday surf report. First day of the last month of this 2012, the waves are still looking small out there, the winds nice offshore and the water sweet and cool. Take a look at the lineup!