We take the boat went the tide was low. This is my tripulation. Here are Jacob, Noah, Jaden and Ethan from Orange Country San Clemente California.

We start surfing some small waves riping in the soze. There are sets of around six to seven waves per sets.

Check who I found surfing there. It is nothing more and nothing less than my friend and boss Bryan McMandon (Pancho Sanches). He was ripping at this place. He almost broke the camera with the plenty of water he throw me.

I like to work with friends and more when they are surfer too. You know why? Because we have something in comum. We can talk about surf and this is one thing we love. Here is Heather Mcmandon riding her favorite wave.

Well. The tide was coming up and we want to check another place with not body. So we move more north.

We found this wave. Have a good right with tube. The guys were so stoked. The line up was just for us. Can you believe. WWWWhhhhaaattttttt?.

We have a sets coming every five minutes. We were down attack. The sets coming so constantly. The first sets catch us in the inside. I don’t want to tell you how much we paddle out for don’t be biting for that rude wave. But we were. I visit the sand couple times.

Noah Atwood and his friends were getting a tons of barrel today. The sound in the lineup was like that. ( GGGGGGOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!.)

Every wave in the sets was makeable. All of them take more than a good wave.

Here is Jaden Hall touching the wall of the wave. He was stoping a little because they were going fast.

The waves just give time to us to come back to the alienation, breathe a little and we are already watching the sets coming out in the horizone again.

There are some lefts close to us. But we want to be in the big game.

Jaden. How is Nicaragua?.

This swell not have a big size, but some places were working better then others. We know and have more experience than any body in all nicaragua. Twenty years of experience can say that, so we score one good spot today.

The guys don’t stoped of have a chack. Here is one heavy lip cover to Jaden.

Here is the money shot. This surfers were so tired after hour of pure surf.

There are 36 places in all the world where the Turtles arrive to put eggs and Nicaragua have two of them. We not just have waves, we went to the beach to see one arrived of these amazing animals.

Here is Chacosenta having the babies. She probably was in a party in an paradise island with Ruffo( The boy friend). The father is not here to see the childs birth, because he is in another ocean, he go to visit other three thousand girlfriends who probably have in the worldwide.

Well. We finish our time with the wild life, because the sets don’t stop. That wake you see in the horizon was big.

There were just a few waves for ripping. The Ninety seven percent were tubes.

We move for the first spot for get this. Nice drops with perfect walls and good offshore wind.

In a lot of waves this young surfers were deep in the barrels. They don’t break any surfboard. I don’t know how.

Here is a cut back in one right in the medium size wave. There are other right close where we were.

Noah. In how many waves you take? He don’t remember.

I think here is jacob in this shine barrel. The waves were better and better until we can’t paddle anymore.

Ethan was the only goofy foot in the crew. He was going dragging his hand for be deep.

We was thinking check another place, but we think they probably have some people, so we stay in this spot and we don’t know how we spend four hours in this spot.

Well. How many surfer can say they were surfing in a empty place this afternoon?. Just us.

The wall of this wave was up, but don’t close. This surfer made out this wave. Well this is what he say to us.

These friends probably will sleep with big smile in their face. And they go to have flashes of waves in the dreams.

How was your day, buddy?. He give me a shakas.

Ok. That was just a little of what we have today. We come back home, but first we catch a Spanish mackerel and a Bonito tuna. Watch the sunset in the way to our beach and almost a wave get us in the boat when we was jumping from the boat. What a long and good day. If you want to have a real surf Nica experience with photos and everything, just contact us and we do.[email protected]. See you tomorrow. Armando Lopez is out.

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

The high tide is working good, this is how look the flat day of surf we have in the year ( Not bad ). In a lot places in the world is one of the best day and just seven people in the water. Check it out.