Goodleftsrollingall daylong,anewswellis hittingourcoastagainand maintainedan average of 4feet.

When there are photographers in the water surfers do anything to be in the photo.

Our Junior champion Oscar, with 15 years old is ready for try to keep on the podium of Nicaragua surf contest. Oscar Sick maneuver.

After a week without swell the waves start rise up and also nice right was breaking too.

These right was working so good in that corner you can see how go to open that little nugget.

This isan exampleof howrightswerepumpingall day long.

Okfriends,thiswasthe perfect place torelax at thebeachclubbeforesessioneveningtime.ArmandoLopezisout,seeyou tomorrow inanother surf reportwhen my friendLucha Libre have the camera and bring to you the action.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hola muchachos, this is Lucha Libre Garcia again with your Tuesday surf report. The waves picked up a little bit today and everyone jumped out in the water to get some. Chest to shoulder high waves on the bigger sets, nice offshore winds and killer water temperature. Check it out!

What’s up folks? This is Miguel Mora bringing you all the action for this Sunday surf report. We went to the beach in the morning trying to catch some fun waves. It was running about waist to to chest high on sets with strong offshore winds and the day was cloudy. Check out the lineup!!!

What’s up party people? We’ve got Lucha Libre Garcia with the Saturday surf report. The Surf was pretty fun today and a bunch of people made it out, trying to score some good ones. It was running about chest to shoulder high on sets, the wind was a little strong offshore and the water was..