There were maybe 10 people out in the lineup when I was down there so plenty of waves for everyone.

With a longboard you can catch just about anything too!

Pow! Smack the lip and toss those buckets of water out the back.

Nothing quite like running into Momma’s arms, here was a precious scene on the beach today.

Still nice and green everywhere but as we are entering the dry season it will soon be shades of brown everywhere as the flora starts to die away before the rainy season starts again and brings a fresh green to everything.

Marcos with the wave of the session, this thing just stood up out of nowhere and morphed into an awesome wave. Thanks for coming by and checking us out today! We’ll be back with some more tomorrow so make sure to tune in and check us out. Peace

Hey hey amigos! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very small today, but a new novelty peak started working. I’ve dubbed it “Sterling’s Left”.

Happy Friday on this fine Dec 4th afternoon! Not too many people out to enjoy the small but still fun little rippable peelers, but conditions were great and the weather was sunny and perfect!