The tide was dropping out which usually doesn’t help with what little swell we have but everyone was making the best of it, like this guy here!

Even the little rippers were…. well…. Ripping!!!

These little guys had the right idea and grabbed the boogies to hit up the river mouth for some shred-tastic fun!

I was stoked to finally meet the nice owners of Casa Wave Garden home today. Sage, Nadine, Darren, Finn and Carter all out enjoying the awesome weather down here in Nicaragua.

Back to the action outside. This guy’s pulling off a pretty rad little floater on this inside closeout section. Nice maneuver dude!

Seth’s been looking lean and mean, not to mention that fresh new shred stick. I’d be running to the waves too.

There was plenty of shredding going down. Hey buddy you can e-mail us here at :[email protected]to see all of the shots from today!

We’re hoping to see a little more swell come in this afternoon. Let’s hope the winds turn around too.

There’s always something interesting to see here.

Morgan says YES and a great BIG HOLA with ALOHA to this fabulous Saturday ! ~

Scott’s been putting in some time out here each day. I think he surfed for like 5 hours or something like that yesterday.

Always good to see Ryley back in town. Looks like he didn’t miss a beat from where he last left off down here.

We even had some ripper chica representation out there today as well.

This chica was killing it on her stylish little fun board.

Not a whole lot of barrel opportunities out there this morning, but (and I don’t want to jinx it) but we could have some more decent swell coming in later this month. Which would have plenty of barrel potential.

Super dad Mr. Colin making his way down with little Ryder.

Here’s another super dad, Mr Rob. I like seeing the family’s down here. It used to be pretty much a surfer dude destination, now we have all kinds of people and families here enjoying Nicaragua.

Vida de Nica … todo el día todos los días!

Josh must be missing his little bro John and his pops Dan, since they’re back in the Estados Unidos right now; but I’m glad he’s here to keep his mama Stacey some good company!

Just by looking at the stylish form of this bottom turn you know something next is gonna be pretty cool!!

Yup, I was right. But then again, not every surfer can pull this maneuver, which Colin makes look pretty easy. Sick one Hermano!!

Alright my weekend warrior friends and surfers alike. That’s all I got for today. I’m up to bat again mañana, so lets cross our fingers for an amazing Sunday Funday!!! Have a fun evening, enjoy and hope to see you back here again to close off the weekend with some super fun waves! Saludos ~

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hi there!!!. How is everything going on!!!… We fall again in a small waves period. There are some beginners enjoy this conditions and some of the locals still ripping in this size waves. The offshore wind is very nice and the beach looks calm. Check today surf report.