Some right are coming in our beachbreak. The swell is bringing two powerful perfect waves in the sets.

The surfers here are all going to the right. The swell is a mix of three small swell coming from three perfect direction to coalition together in this peaky and long line.

We have other spot with more size and peaky waves too. The left was better in this peak.

Here is the big Steve dropping this overhead wave. He look small in this ramp.

can you see that surfer going left. This is the second wave in the set. Check how long are the left.

I was checking this lines coming to the bay from a third floor of the White House and check the view. Was a long way to paddle to get in and long ride to come out.

I saw this wave coming far away in the horizon and when the wave hit the beach I saw this surfer taking. I know he will have a fun wave.

I think I recognise this surf style. Was Zack riding one of the best wave in the afternoon.

Yeah Zack (Vivan Los Gallos) ” The rugby team”!!!!!!. This is one of our point break who break really good when some swell is around.

After two turns, Zack close his wave ride with this air please don’t go. That is the name of the air. But, for sure the surfboard gone.

Some of the good rights was taking for Mr. Unknow. He ride this wave until the beach with a session of tube and four turns.

Well. The tube no was super deep, but he killing that wave.

The waves don’t closing out in this spot. There are three sets of waves coming one close to the other and after there is a calm of half hour and after other sets start coming again.

The most powerful swell direction is 91* grade of south direction, so the left was rolling long and the right was short in some case.

This spot have less waves. Some perfect peaks were breaking but not to constantly.

I saw some rights in the inside section with perfect barrels like Barra La Cruz Mexico. Tomorrow the swell lose energy a little bit, so we probably will have good waves too.

The crowd in this place was light. This part of the year a lot of seniors are surfing here, so show respect for them.

Here is my buddy George ready for the season of ice water. The last year he had a wave in this spot that almost four bodies high. For two feet more and that wave has twenty feet ahead. We can say that he has a good memory in this wave.

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

We keep asking for your help amigos. Please help us to make this Navidad a nice one for the Guastomate kids. Our goal it is to provide some school supplies, Piñatas, toys and more. Lets do it together one more year!!!