Dave and Kehlani Brightbard leading today’s action with a father / daughter tandem ride.

I was previously under the impression that Dario had a strong preference for hard longboards over foamies, but it looks like he joined the Foamie brigade this evening. Welcome to the club Dario 😀

Jetty-boy stole the show this evening. If I so chose, Jett could’ve singlehandedly taken up today’s whole report. The French Fries right was pretty close to ideal for him.

After witnessing Jett’s first wave, I immediately recognized that Jett’s rail game has improved significantly since he was last here during late Summer.

Dude… I don’t think I could complete turns like this with any sort of consistency. It’s crazy to see how rapidly kids can progress.

Jett’s still fairly short and has a small build, so watching him tee-up on what looked like head-high, loooonnnggg rights gave me some serious J-Bay de-ja-vu.

“I came up from the bottom, and into the
For the first time I feel alive~!
I can fly like an eagle, and strike like
a hawk!
Do you think you can survive~…….The
Top?” – Ken Blast – The Top

I think this is Lucas or a doppelgänger here. If it is Lucas, and I think it is, then his rail-game has improved considerably.

Nami out there keeping everyone in line haha! Nah, he was just surfing like usual on his go-to fish board.

It’s great to see Jett surfing top to bottom more than simply racing down the line. I think he really likes this board. I zoomed in on his face and found it striking how much he resembles his mom.

Schwappah! Even the end-sections weren’t safe.

An unknown longboarder whipping out a solid power hack. Watch out!

3… 2… 1… Gotta Blast! (If you know, you know). (Hint: Nikolodeon)

You may remember MOG from disaster relief efforts in our area in the past years. The organization also runs successful Prenatal and Lactation programs for women in our area. They are currently raising funds and requesting donations for the Christmas event taking place on December 15th. If you would like to donate locally, items can be dropped at the NSR office. Financial donations are also appreciated. Happy Holidays!

Alrighty viewers, you probably get the picture that Jett won the heat this evening haha. I was just shocked to see just how many waves were coming through, as the lineup was tight but the surfers were splitting peaks on pretty much all of the set waves. I think tomorrow is going to be fairly similar to today, but unfortunately it will likely be windier. In any case, Tony Zeta should be back tomorrow to bring you some action.

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hey there everyone back here with another surf report great day out there today getting a little bigger then yesterday and it was really fun out there i was out there and took some photos at around 2:30 3:00 pm and it was fun to get out with the longboard and just have fun.