Not much has changed swell wise. BUT the skies are clearing up and the waves are still super fun!!

Maycol is a young local grom from a nearby village. In the past year, he’s picked up a surf board and taken leaps and bounds!

He’ll make sure but he loves looking for that tubito!! No wonder… If I was 14 years old and could squeeze into a barrel that small, I’d do the same thing!

Ron from Southern California slipped out for a lunch time break. His schedule contains sleeping, eating, surfing, and quick real estate appointment. Not too bad of a set up!

We are stoked to feature him on today’s report because he’s one of our dedicated followers. We appreciate you guys for always checking out reports!! Let us know when you’re here so we can get you on it!!

Here’s another beloved follower: Roger Hochman. His schedule looks a little different than Ron’s because Roger is partially retired. As a result, he surfs even more!!!

How many waves do you count in this photo? Enough to convince you to surf this afternoon? Or enough to convince you to click that “vacation rentals tab?”

Louie, Heather, Ryan, Don Lorenzo, and I had a long day yesterday so I forced Louie to paddle out for a few waves. His schedule has looked like this: enjoy a new beautiful house courtsey of Horizon Group, visit local artisan markets, check out a live flowing volcano, and crack a couple lips.

Alright Louie, what do you see here?…..

How does that tension in your lower back feel now??? We can get the massage ladies over to your place in one hour!!

Stuck it!! I guess we need to surf this afternoon to burn off all that Papa Johns we ate last night…

Louie, your new surf report name is Laidback Lou Bob!!!

Yeah, it’s small. But it’s still really fun. If you aren’t feeling the surf, head to Scoops and Spokes tonight. They are hosting a party that involves steak sandwiches, a dance contest, and a tattoo artist. Hayden, you had me at the steak sandwhiches…… See you later tonight at Scoops!!

But if all the pretty girls are still out surfing this afternoon, I may have to take a longboard out and catch a few waves myself… THEN see you at Scoops later tonight!

My strategy will be to impersonate Maycol: stick late drops and rock a sick haircut by Uncle Nacho.

Ok damas and caballeros, there are a lot of people having out at the beach! Time to head down there myself. See you in the line up!! Hasta luego amigos!!

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.