We are going to start with our very own Carlitos “Calientes”; he was taking some good waves. Here he is showing his ability with this cool floater on this right hander.

On the second shot we have the only girl that we had in the lineup today. She is Denise from Holland, check her out dropping into one of the many waves she had.

We had only 8 guys out in the water, trying to get a couple waves and enjoying the beautiful day. Here we have D-lite trying to get into the barrel section on one of the better set waves of the day.

Today the offshore winds were very strong and all the surfers we had out were trying very hard to catch some waves. This is “Pancho Sanchez” dropping on a nice looking set.

A few people were ripping on a couple waves. This is Andrew from Hawaii. Andrew is in town for a while to surf and spread the good vibes.

On the last shot of the day we have “Pancho Sanchez” hitting this wave right in the pocket. Alright folks, that’s all for today. We hope to score some fun ones tomorrow as well.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

It was a great day and a lot of people decided to spend the day at the beach and get some sun and surf. For the first surf shot we have Ashley Blaylock doing her best to enjoy this small but sweet right.