Here in D J going left. The waves are small and a little strong. The are surfing with sgortboard and look like they have fun today.

The out side and in side section were having some waves rolling fun. Not there are surfer in the waves just fish.

Nacho and Dj were ripping in the left. This waves normally is soft, but if you hit the tide in good time, you could have fun waves.

The sets are coming with three waves. The period was short, so this surfers don’t need to wait to much.

The people always made cuts in the waves. In this kind of waves this is a fun trick, if you find the good spot and you put energy in the turn.

Because the waves are small, there are some good spot to learn to surf. Here is a Family walking to take a surf lesson. This is cool.

I think this man was learning. I saw him falling in couple waves, but this wave in special was long for him. He went all the way to the beach and I can see how much happy he was.

This is the best cut to I see. The mark on the water looks cool.

This kind of short waves don’t have a long distance for run, but check the next photo.

D J get one wave like the photo before and he found a good spot for smack the lip of the wave. This wave have some different sections and different shapes of waves for made all kind of tricks.

The waves will be small for the next few days. But this is our kind of small average of waves. This size is fun I think so. So see you tomorrow in the lineup. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello, this is your Sunday report, no too many people surfing in the morning. The wave keep kinda small, but every body is talking about the new swell to next week. Right now some pumps are making big sound. Hopefully tomorrow we have some barrels.

There is still some swell in the water today. The waves were running in the head high range on the bigger sets, winds were nice offshore, the water was great but the sky was kinda cloudy. Check out the lineup!

Happy freaking Friday everyone! Brian here, bringing the action to you today, and besides the weekend arriving, we’re happy there’s waves! Super windy again today, winds gusting in the 30mph range and waves still coming in around waist high, with a very inconsistent chest high set. Went down to the beach out front here and..