I got down there just as the tide was about as drained out as it could be. I thought I’d definitely missed the right tide window for this spot, but it was actually pretty fun. PD’s doing a mini Pipe and back door impersonation.

I mentioned the water is warm… well, it’s actually super warm. Come n’ get it while it’s hot!

The clarity was pretty nuts too! Super clean and clear.

This would be the 3rd person out of only 5 people out today.

The waves were pretty consistent too. I didn’t see anyone waiting for a single wave longer than a couple of minutes; before someone would catch a nice wave out of about a 4 or 5 waves set, like this here.

If you want to know how Colorados looked…

Well here ya go.

Are you still kicking yourself for not jumping on the scene when this place was at an all time low in 2008-9? Well, the good news is this is your second chance. Real Estate is, well let’s just say…. a buyers market right now. If you like a little whip cream with your Sunday with a cherry on top… if you or any of your friends are looking or interested in buying anything down here, mention me,Brian Scott @nicasurfshotsas your referral and I will give you free surf photo sessions for up to a week on your next trip down. Looking forward to seeing you join the community!!!

High winds, but not just any winds…. Offshore winds, it’s what makes this place famous.

The small peelers still have plenty of characteristics of their bigger, heavier brothers, here.

Style knows no limits, but grace is performed best while arching the soul.

You live, or even visit here long enough, you start to pick up the local transport of your “cosas” or things, much like a local. How this guys does this with the wind was pure magic and skill.

I can assure you this peak had at least two people on each side paddling for a wave like this in the afternoon session. Tati, scoring.

Hands down, the best aviation experts along the entire coast of Nicaragua.

Hands down, the second best.

Chunky monkey frothy mixed up inside sandy bowl section could be a surf spot name, I suppose; much like Sunset Beach, Hawaii has a few inside section names. But who has time for a name that long?

How clear was the water today you might ask? It was “look – you can see me duck diving inside the wave” clear.

Who’s pumped and jumping for joy for the weekend….. THIS GUY!!!

Well, since it is the weekend, I should remind everyone that there will be a killer “GLOW” party in Gigante tomorrow night. I’ve spoken with the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain pulling the strings and he’s pretty much got anything and everything dialed in for the event. Two DJ’s, 4 bars (so you’re guaranteed a no-wait time for any of your favorite beverages, and he’s even hailed 4 taxi companies for anyone who SHOULD be Uber’d home, Nica Style. Be sure to check it out, be safe and have a great time!!!

What a Wednesday! Our favorite beach break came back to life. Reborn the Monster!

Hey everyone! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from a confidential peak haha! The swell definitely showed up this evening and was our first dose of real swell in some time.

Hey everyone! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were better this morning than the prior mornings, and were worse in the afternoon than the past few afternoons. So a bit of a change in the favorable windows. The wind was really light this morning and the crowd was nonexistent. Asher hard..

Maybe the forecast was a little off here at Colorado… this wave looks like a 3 footer, or it is just the big curtain created by the offshore?