Not everyone was hungover on the beach. Plenty of people made it out to surf as well. Bobbing obstacles were a serious factor in today’s conditions. Here is Koki about to run the gauntlett. Otherwise conditions were flawless.

The waves were in the shoulder high range with a few sets providing some bigger peaks before high tide. The combination of ground and windswell from both hemishperes was working for the beachbreaks. The wind was light and offshore for the whole day. The water has been hovering around 79 degrees for the last few days (shouts out to the PA crew). Today was a surf day – in December!?!

Always more photogenic than functional the point was putting on a nice show today.

Here is Gerardo showing us a creative way to avoid the obstacles in his line. Impressively there were only a couple minor collisions, and noone lost their head.

There continues to be swell forecast for the coming week. It looks like we’ll be getting some long period energy from the south pacific for a handful of days. We don’t quite know why the water is still so warm and the waves are so good, but we aren’t complaining either. This has been another surf report from NSR.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.