The time for surf is around eleven in the morning and is good until two in the afternoon.
Hey, what you think about today? If you made the button turn a little fast, you could have a barrel.
The wave have a little power. Is true.
The swell pick up a little today. The December 24 we gonna have a surf contest just for close the year a little fun with our brothers of the beaches around. So be tuned.
Here is one of the locals practicing. To make sure we win in our own house.
This wave is already a overhead, so it is increasing, hopefully tomorrow morning should be bigger because right now I listen the ocean and is sound stronger.
Sack come back of vacations and is in the water again, surfing in his back yard.
How many time are you be in this situation before?. Is hard to get out the wave but is better to not have a collision.
Smart idea for keep out the sun, a the kids. Mom made a good job. Ok. Amigos check the surf report tomorrow I believe we will have a great week. Armando Lopez is out.
Hey everyone! Welcome to Saturday morning’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very small today, but the morning window was favorable with the tide. Good for cruisin’!
Hola amigos, the swell is dropping but there were still some fun ones rolling in. The waves were in the shoulder high range, winds were nice offshore and the water was great. Check out the lineup!