Nicaragua Surf Report for Monday, December 19, 2022

Brian Scott

Feliz lunes chicos! It was a beautiful morning out there today. Nice and sunny, the water color, the cool offshore breeze and the peaky tapering waves at the reef; all made for the perfect day to spend at the playa!

Brian Scott

There was a lot of this yesterday for the World Cup finale game, but here the hooting and cheerleading is a daily occurrence, especially when you have some of your best amigas who drive all the way from up north  (Northern Latin America that is) El Salvador to see you and hang out with for a little belated Feliz cumpleaños! La flaca, hooting on her friends while they come to taste the salt water nectar goods of Nicaragua!

Brian Scott

Eva, who knows her way around surfing, as you can see by this super sick cut back, brining her A-game down south!

Brian Scott

This time of year it’s always about PD’s as this is really the only place that draws in swell, this time of year. Still gotta keep a look out for those outside sets! There’s always those outside sets. ALWAYS!!!

Brian Scott

Cesar came out to play too, when I told him I was making my down with 3 Guanacas!

Brian Scott

Andrea, the other person to make the very small but fun 3 surfer lineup today, having fun and making due with the high tide and super strong offshore winds.

Brian Scott

These gals came for the barrels, but unfortunately they’re just going to have to make another trip back down (which is fine by me, as I have yet to meet an unfriendly person from El Salvador) when Colorados is working like the machine that she is!


Brian Scott

Like I was saying, you really can’t go wrong in pretty much all of Latin America. The culture, food and even words differ in certain ways, but the hearts of the people in general from these amazing countries that separate North and South America are pure and true!

Brian Scott

Eva coming in on her last one as well. The session really wasn’t that short lived, but I wanna hang out with em as well…. so I better get my work done, so I can play too!! :)

Brian Scott

Like I mentioned in the beginning, it was super gorgeous day out! Everyone loving the sunny warm weather and perfectly cool but not too cold (yet) refreshing ocean water!

Brian Scott

I think I am gonna have to start or re-nicknaming Cesar as Flaco! He looks pretty much exactly the way I met him over a decade ago, ie, he was super skinny! And his surfing has gone up a ton of notches as well! Yeaaaah Dudie!!!

Brian Scott

Latin love and Hawaiian style Aloha combined, cien percent!!!!

Brian Scott

Las viejas locas signing off for todays report with some shaka’s, peace signs and two BIG thumbs up for todays waves and chill vibes! Now, I can go play!!! YEEEEY jejejeje! But don't worry, we’ll all be back again tomorrow and I have a feeling the lineup will be empty (again) as well. Así aquí hasta próxima ~

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 
