On the first action shot of the day we have Mason Bieber-Ham nabbing a sick peeler. What a nice wave, uh!

Matt Ramsay scored some of the better waves of the day. Check him out holding the rail and enjoying the view on this little green room.

The water is getting chillier and chillier littleby little and that means that the fish is getting closer to shore. Get your fishing pool ready folks!

We changed locations and found Pancho Sanchez having fun by himself at first peak. Hey Borrador, this is a little bit of what you missed today.

Hey hey amigos! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very small today, but a new novelty peak started working. I’ve dubbed it “Sterling’s Left”.

Hey What’s up? This is an intern invasion! It’s Chewy, Maria, and Devin, holdin’ it down while everybody is taking a siesta. The waves were micro today running two feet but peeling all the way down the beach! The water is way warmer, and the jellyfish are way nicer, they came to say what’s up..