That being said…. who opened the box of gremlins and plopped them smack dab at the beach in Tola today?? I mean seriously, where the heck did all these people come from overnight??
Dario was a bit scared and sought some cover in this fine little inside barrel.
Hot Carl and I spoke earlier today about yesterdays epicness of waves and how we should plan on not missing todays session. So we made sure to link up for todays round two. Not a bad looking green gem on the tide coming up at around noon.
Don’t get me wrong. There were still some punchy nuggets to be had today for sure.
and if you timed it right, you could be pulling maneuvers like this.
It’s been noted time and time again about the importance of the first bottom turn for setting up your entire wave. Well, as text book as it may sound, it all makes sense since Hot Carl used to be a school teacher.
Natasha wasn’t the only lady surfer out there today, as the crowd was obviously well mixed, gender-wise, age-wise & surf experience-wise. The only difference is most guys like to see how well the lady surfers look on the waves.
Antonella, post surf and sun kiss-stoked for a fantastic Saturday. Now go grab a yummy Pizza at Anana’s tonight, where she’ll serve you up with a delicious real Italian PIE, made with love from Tati and her crew.
Hot Carl writing the books today with his text book form and stylishly good looks. Ohhhh come on ladies… don’t deny it!
He has all the stereotypical “Alpha babe on the ladies needs list”. He’s tall, dark (very tan) and handsome. BUT don’t get your hopes up too high… he’s taken. Sorry ladies!! You can look all you want, but you can’t touch!
I give you…. Handsomely “Hot Carl”! I don’t think I know of anyone more stoked than him after todays surf sesh.
Ok…. I gotta say, I think Oscar might give you a pretty good run for your money, Carl!! haha
Oscars hermano, Angel Zacarias giving a nice little grab rail late entry clinic for Natasha.
Tati’s been putting in a lot of time out there with her surfing this season. I betcha I can guess one of her new years resolutions…. Get the biggest baddest barrel of her life, once Colorados comes back to life next season. Did I guess Tati, did I guess???
Dario can already claim some of the best tubos of his life here at this amazing stretch of beach… now he’s working on his gliding game, including the infamous “Helicopter”, but only because it’s the off season.
This is where the term “Nicaraguan Aerodynamics” was originally created. Don’t believe me, this is on the merriam webster google search engine:aer·o·dy·nam·ics /ˌerōˌdīˈnamiks/ noun noun:aerodynamics 1 the study of the properties of moving air, and especially of the interaction between the air and solid bodies moving through it. i.e. a surfer catching a wave at Panga Drops, in Latin America, Nicaragua.
Hayden has only been back for a little while, as he is newly married to the love of his life, Uli, where they tied the knot back in their motherland of New Zealand recently. Love really does give you wings!
Grant was one of the lucky few who scored yesterdays much talked about session. I saw him bolting down the playa looking for a round two score.
It wasn’t as big today, but he was still ripping regardless; and with his signature smooth style!
I don’t want to jinx it, but I think we may have one more little hiccup of a swell that might grace our beaches before the end of the year. I only hope!!!
If not, it’s ok if we see a bit of this until everyone say’s “Cheers to another Year!”
Don’t forget about this madness going on right now too! Come to our Surf Shop from today until Jan 1st and take advantage of 50% OFF selected items (Swimsuits, sandals, sunglasses, sunscreen, tanks, t-shirts, jerseys, dresses, pants, rashguards, souvenirs and more…)Yes, +10 days SALE of some of your favourite brands such as NSR, Billabong, Havaianas, Cenote and more!!!Now is the perfect time to pick up something for yourself, Secret Santa, White Elephant or Christmas gifts.Hurry up! Arrive early for the best selection and come before everything is gone..!
Another fun session logged into the books. haha you see what I did there… I said Log! Ok, I better close for now… I’m getting looopie on this Saturday evening… too much sun! Yo e terminado ~
Hey everyone! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops, once again we’re talking French Fries. The waves were smaller today, but the shape was arguably slightly better than yesterday. The wind was also a touch lighter.
Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for next set of days. Monday’s surf report is coming your way from Panga Drops, specifically “French Fries”. The swell was close to non-existent, but Pangas did its magic and magnified the lackluster size into something playful and shreddable.
Happy TGIF Everybody!!! Guess what came a little early today….??? That’s right, our annual Christmas swell arrived a little early today and the lucky few who knew, were on it!! Check it out.